If you wish to update your account settings, simply go to your profile dashboard page and navigate to the Account Settings tab.
In this guide, we will cover 3 sections including User Settings, Password, and Delete Account. To begin, please ensure you have logged into your account.

Section A: User Settings
- To update your email address:
- Replace the existing email address in the Your Email Address field and click on Save Changes.
- You will be required to enter your password to confirm the request.
- Once you have entered your password, a confirmation email will be sent to the new email address for confirmation.
- After clicking on the confirmation link, you will be redirected to our website and prompted to login to your account.
- Login to your account and you have successfully changed your account's email address.
- To subscribe/unsubscribe newsletter
- Click on the checkbox to subscribe/unsubscribe to our Monthly Newsletter.
Section B: Password
- To update your account password:
- Enter the OLD and NEW password in their respective fields.
- Confirm by re-typing your NEW password in the Re-confirm password field.
- Click on Save Changes and your account password will be updated.
Section C: Delete Account
- To delete your account permanently, click on the checkbox to confirm.
(Take note: Deleting your user account will also delete all the watchlists, transaction notes, private tags and verified addresses ownership. Recovery of the above is not possible upon delete confirmation.)