Pro Tips for Advanced Filter

1. Toggle Full Screen

Too many columns and too many rows? Toggle full screen mode to view more transaction data!


2. Customize Columns

Customize your Advanced Filter view to show only the columns you want to see

Your preference will be saved for future visits


3. Save Filter

Satisfied with a filter? Save it and refer to it in the future in your Saved Filters.


4. Method Filter

Filter all transactions involving a specific method.

  1. Go to any transaction where the method was executed
  2. Scroll down to the Input Data field and click on Advanced Filter
  3. This will display all transactions involving the specific method

5. Time-based Filtering

Filter data or events based on how old they are. For instance, you could use an "Age filter" to display only data from the last 24 hours, last week, etc or the option to set a custom duration.


6. AND Operator

When using the 'AND' operator, the filtered results will display only the transactions that involve both the "From" and "To" addresses.


7. Exclude Asset

Select "Is Not" to hide transactions related to the specified asset.

  • Teck Yuan Lee