Forgot Password

  1. On our homepage (or any other page of our website), click on Sign In located on the top-right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on Forgot Your Password? that is situated between the Username and Password fields.
  1. Enter your registered account's email address, clear the reCAPTCHA test and click on Reset Password.
  1. If the email address belongs to a known account, a recovery password will be sent to you within the next few minutes.
    • If you have yet to receive the "Password Recovery" email, please check your spam/junk email folders
    • Or you may request for a new password reset after 15 minutes.
  2. In the email, you will receive your username and a temporary password that is valid for 24 hours only. Use this login credential to sign in to your account and remember to change your account's password to a new one immediately after logging in.

Note: When changing the account's password after logging in using the temporary password, enter the provided temporary password in the Old Password field (not your previous password before resetting the account's password). Please refer below: