How Do I Sell Ether?

Ether can be exchanged into both local Fiat currency and other cryptocurrencies. In order to exchange Ether to your local fiat currency, you must first determine the exchanges that support your local fiat currency and that they are compliant with the local laws and regulation.

There are exchanges that support both Ether to fiat currency and Ether to other cryptocurrencies. There are also exchanges that only support Ether to other cryptocurrencies.

Kindly refer below for the ways to sell Ether:

1. Via an exchange

  • ETH for Fiat Currency (If you are planning to sell your ETH on the same exchange that you purchased and store it, you may skip step 1 & 2)

    • First, register an account on the exchange you plan on using and then create an ETH wallet on the exchange. For a full list of recommended exchanges, please visit here. Please be informed that most exchanges require completing some KYC procedures for opening an account and to increase the trading limit.
    • Assuming that your ETH is in a personal wallet, you should transfer the amount of ETH you wish to sell (plus a little extra for the transaction fee) into the ETH wallet that you have just created on the exchange. Take note that every transaction will require a transaction fee so you should always take that into account when moving your assets around. Feel free to use our Gas Tracker feature to see the recommended gas price and limit for your transaction here
    • You should go to the trading section of the exchange and look for the right trading pair for you. Trading pair denotes the trade between two currencies, a common example would be ETH/USD - which means you can sell ETH for USD or buy ETH with USD. Make sure that the exchange you plan to use supports ETH and your desired fiat currency.
    • Always be aware of any fees that might incur!
    • Once you have found the right trading pair, proceed to select it and enter the amount of ETH you want to sell to place your order.
    • After you have clicked send, you may check the status of your transaction by pasting its transaction hash into our search bar at
  • ETH for Other Cryptocurrency (If you are planning to sell your ETH on the same exchange that you purchased and store it, you may skip step 1 & 2)

    • First, register an account on the exchange you plan on using and then create an ETH wallet on the exchange. For a full list of recommended exchanges, please visit here. Please be informed that most exchanges require completing some KYC procedures for opening an account and to increase the trading limit.
    • Assuming that your ETH is in a personal wallet, you should transfer the amount of ETH you wish to sell (plus a little extra for the transaction fee) into the ETH wallet that you have just created on the exchange. Take note that every transaction will require a transaction fee so you should always take that into account when moving your assets around. Feel free to use our Gas Tracker feature to see the recommended gas price and limit for your transaction here.
    • You should go to the trading section of the exchange and look for the right trading pair for you. Trading pair denotes the trade between two currencies, a common example would be ETH/BTC - which means you can sell ETH for BTC or buy ETH with BTC. Make sure that the exchange you plan to use supports ETH and your desired cryptocurrency.
    • Always be aware of any fees that might incur!
    • Once you have found the right trading pair, proceed to select it and enter the amount of ETH you want to sell to place your order.
    • After you have clicked send, you may check the status of your transaction by pasting its transaction hash into our search bar at
    • Transfer the cryptocurrency you have just received to your personal wallet.

2. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

  • One of the main visions of Ethereum is connecting end-users to providers without the meddling of third parties, hence it makes absolute sense that a method of peer-to-peer transaction is inevitable with the platform.
  • When selling your asset to someone else offline, be sure to always check for the latest ETH price to avoid being scammed or taken advantage of. Please also take necessary precautionary measures for your own personal safety as you would most probably be dealing with strangers off the Internet.
  • There are a lot of P2P-centric platforms available online and some cater only to specific regions so it is wise to ask for localised recommendations from your local cryptocurrency community.
  • Some of the recommended P2P sites for ETH exchange are:
The provided information is intended for reference and educational purposes only and not in any way as any form of financial advice.
  • Raja Amir