Navigating the Etherscan Homepage
A: Price and Gas Previews
- ETH price preview is located at the top left of the website and you will be directed to ETH price charts section when clicked.
- Gas Price preview is showing the average gas fee at the current time. Once clicked upon, you will be directed to gas tracker page.
B: Site Settings
- Dark Mode button is located at the top right of the website and users will be given the option to change between light, dim or dark mode.
- Switch Between Ethereum Networks by hovering over the Ethereum logo next to the dark mode and then select the network of your choice. Networks currently supported by Etherscan are the mainnet, ETH 2.0 Beacon chain, Sepolia testnet, and Goerli testnet.
C: Menu
Each menu contains a dropdown list of links to specific pages related to the topic/scope of the menu. Please refer below for the breakdown of each menu and the contents linked under them.
- Blockchain:
- Information on recent transactions, pending transactions pool and contract internal transactions sorted by the block number that they are executed in
- Information on blocks, uncles and forked blocks
- A list of accounts with the most ETH in the Ethereum blockchain
- Verified Contracts
- Tokens:
- Top ERC-20 tokens and the most recent ERC-20 transfer events
- Top ERC-20 tokens and the most recent ERC-20 transfer events
- NFTs:
- Top NFTs, the latest NFT trades, the latest NFT transfers and the most recent NFT mints
- Top NFTs, the latest NFT trades, the latest NFT transfers and the most recent NFT mints
- Resources:
- Charts and statistics with data on the Ethereum market, blockchain, network and Ethereum Name Service.
- Top statistics on transactions, tokens and network.
- Our very own curated directory of services, platforms and events related to the Ethereum ecosystem.
- Our monthly newsletter that summarizes the events related to the Ethereum ecosystem that happened in the previous month.
- Our knowledge base that contains the information you need to navigate through Etherscan like this article and about the Ethereum technology in general.
- Developers:
- Etherscan API provide developers the option to subscribe to our API plan.
- API documentation that explains to users on how to use our API.
- Other tools for developers such as our contract verification page, smart contract search, contract difference checker, Vyper online compiler, Byte to opcode converter and transaction broadcaster.
- More:
- Services that we provide to regular users such as: token approval checker, sign and verify message and Blockscan chat.
- Exploring Ethereum with these trackers: gas tracker, DEX tracker, node tracker, label word cloud and domain name lookup
- Other tools that might be of use like unit converter and Beacon chain deposits.
- Sign In to your Etherscan account. Kindly take note that Etherscan provides a free block explorer service for the users and they are not required to have an account to use any of the provided services. However, there are also features that are exclusive only to registered users. To register for an account, please visit here.
D: Search Bar
You can use the search bar to instantly get details on transactions, addresses (be it wallet addresses or contract addresses), tokens and projects. To search for, let's say an address, on our website, just copy and paste the address into the input box and click Search (or press Enter). Similarly, to search for a transaction, just copy and paste the transaction hash into the input box and click Search. You can also search by block number, token name and domain name.
Alternatively, you can also type in your search phrase (do not press Enter or click Search after typing in the search phrase) and select from the recommended search results listed below the Search Bar. To narrow down the recommended results, you can filter the given information according to their token standards, addresses or labels.
E: Ethereum Overview
This section shows a simplified real-time overview of the Ethereum blockchain.
F: Latest Blocks
A short list of recently validated blocks. Clicking on View all blocks redirects you to a full page list of validated blocks.
G: Latest Transactions
A short list of recent transactions. Clicking on View all transactions redirects you to a full page list of recent transactions.
H: Social Links
J: Social Links
- Company:
- Learn more about the team behind Etherscan or join us as a team, how to contact us, our brand assets, our terms of service, and claim your bug bounty if you found any bug on our site.
- Learn more about the team behind Etherscan or join us as a team, how to contact us, our brand assets, our terms of service, and claim your bug bounty if you found any bug on our site.
- Community:
- Links to our API documentation for more information on how to use our API, explore our Knowledge Base and subscribe to our newsletters where you can learn more about Ethereum and Etherscan, network status history and Disqus comments submitted on our website by our users.
- Links to our API documentation for more information on how to use our API, explore our Knowledge Base and subscribe to our newsletters where you can learn more about Ethereum and Etherscan, network status history and Disqus comments submitted on our website by our users.
- Products & Services:
- The lists of our products and services that includes our ad plans, Explorer-as-a-Service, API plans, priority support, a multichain explorer (also known as Blockscan) and a messaging platform (Blockscan Chat).
- The lists of our products and services that includes our ad plans, Explorer-as-a-Service, API plans, priority support, a multichain explorer (also known as Blockscan) and a messaging platform (Blockscan Chat).