Report/Flag Address

As a block explorer, we aim to provide as much information as possible on every thing Ethereum-related and in doing so, we identify as a neutral one where we provide information as it is. This includes showing information on fraudulent or suspicious addresses. If an address is deemed or identified by users to be connected to fraudulent or scam activities, please refer to the steps below on how to report/flag said address.

  1. Search for the address of the scammer (can either be a wallet address or a contract address) via our search bar that is located on the top of the page.
  2. Click on the More dropdown located next to the Add to Watchlist button with a star in it and then click on Report/Flag Address from the dropdown menu.
  1. You will then be redirected to the Etherscan Phishing Form where you can provide further context and more information about how the reported address is responsible/connected to a scam.
  2. On the first page, provide us with your email address so we can get in contact with you later concerning your report.
  3. The second page shows examples of websites and 'projects' that have been identified as scam for your reference.
  4. Provide us with the necessary links as required by the third page of the form and submit the form when everything has been aptly filled out.
  5. Once the report has been submitted, our team will review and assess them thoroughly before taking any necessary steps.
  6. Reported addresses that are proven to be involved in a scam or phishing activities will be labeled and a public notice will be shown on the address' page (like in the screenshot below).
  • Raja Amir