Token Price on Etherscan

One of our most-used features is the Token page where users can see all the on-chain data related to the token such as the transfers, source code, holders, total supply, contract address, etc and off-chain data such as the token's official email, website, exchange listing and most importantly, price.

Most of the off-chain data are provided directly to us by the token creator, but not the price. As doing so could lead to manipulation of the token's price by the creator. And so to provide neutral and current data for our users, the price displayed on a Token page is relayed from the token's price on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.

If you are a token creator/owner that is looking to have the price of your token displayed on the Token page, kindly submit a Token Update request via our form here and provide us with the link of your token's CoinMarketCap and/or Coingecko page.

You will need to log in to your Etherscan account to update your token information. Log in here.

If you do not have an account, please sign up here

  • Kaven Choi