Transaction Action: Making Sense of Complex Transactions

Progress in smart contract programming have allowed for increasingly complex transactions. While making for powerful possibilities, some of these transactions have turned out to be difficult for users to decipher.

So many tokens being transferred...but I don't really want to know all of them

Enter Transaction Action. This feature abstracts away miscellaneous information and highlights only the key events that are relevant to the end user.

The same transaction above via Transaction Action

With this feature, users are able to quickly tell what is actually occurring in a transaction without having to sift through countless rows of event logs.

Suggest a Transaction Action

With countless new smart contracts deploying daily, many transactions lack transaction actions. If you come across one, you can suggest a transaction action to help future {{explorer}} users better understand the blockchain.

Your contribution ensures the explorer is easier to navigate for everyone.

How to Suggest a Transaction Action:

  1. Click the pencil icon
  1. On the Suggest Transaction Action page, kindly fill in all the required fields
  1. Hit Send Message

Our team will review and publish your suggestion as soon as possible. 🙏

High-quality transaction actions that clearly summarize a transaction's key events help make the {{chain}} blockchain more accessible to all users.